Integrating a student with EB into a public school classroom setting can become a natural part of the school experience for all involved.

Epidermolysis Bullosa School Resources

Teachers, staff, volunteers and the other students quickly learn the “do’s and don’ts” of working beside a child with EB. By understanding and meeting the unique needs of an EB student, modifications will become a part of daily classroom life.

debra of America’s helpful resources will assist in the transition from home to school by facilitating conversation and teamwork between family and faculty.

Check out our Resources for Higher Education Students

Resources for Parents and Teachers

Video: What is EB? + Your Welcoming Classroom

This two-part video was developed by the multidisciplinary Epidermolysis Bullosa Team at The Children’s Hospital of Colorado and is endorsed by debra of America. It is a video guide for making the school experience supportive and academically challenging for students with EB.

Access the Video 

EB Cards

debra of America has created business size EB Cards that can be passed out in your school or community - to classmates, parents, neighbors, and at community centers, local stores, and more. These cards quickly explain what EB is and how it affects you/your child.

Access the Cards

Informational Sheet for Schools

Passing out an informational sheet about EB to teachers and school administrators will help them learn the basics on EB, and is short enough to be put up in the teacher’s lounge or the main office as a reminder.

Download the Sheet 

Sample Letters

Sending a brief letter to your child’s teachers, administrators and school nurse may be appropriate before the academic year begins. Here are some basic guidelines and sample letters you may consider as your child prepares for the school year.

Letter to Teachers/Administrators

Letter to School Nurse

Letter to Parents (for Kindergarten for First Grade, or new to the school system)

Educational Rights

It is important for families to understand what educational rights they can rely upon for their betterment of their children’s formal education. debra of America’s Legal Aid Program describes the right for each child with EB to receive a free and appropriate public education.

Find out more

More Help for Schools

Parents and school nurses are encouraged to speak with our EB Nurse Educator, a registered nurse experienced in EB care. In addition, we offer free bandages through our Wound Care Distribution Program if you are interested in receiving samples or a care package to keep in the Nurse’s Office. Reach out to us today!

Find out more about our EB Nurse Educator Program 

Find out more about our Wound Care Distribution Program